2020.06.29 – JD’s links of the day

British MI6 assassinated Patrice Lumumba?


Jeremy Scahill interviews historian Robin D.G. Kelley on Racial Capitalism and New Generation of Abolitionists

Podcast: https://play.acast.com/s/intercepted-with-jeremy-scahill/therebellionagainstracialcapitalism

you cannot say that it doesn't seem reasonable.

Iran issues arrest warrant for Trump

‘…ran has issued an arrest warrant for US President Donald Trump over the drone strike that killed a top Iranian general in January [….] Interpol said it “would not consider requests of this nature.” It explained that it was not in accordance with its rules and constitution, which states “it is strictly forbidden for the organization to undertake any intervention or activities of a political, military, religious or racial character.”…’


be thankful for half-baked socialism, I guess...

Gilead’s remdesivir will cost $3,120 for patients with private insurance

‘Patients who are covered by government programs like Medicaid will be charged $2,340 for a typical treatment course.’


‘…The dining room is a re-creation of a residence chamber in the Palazzo Pitti in Florence, constructed in 1458 by Luca Pitti, though its more famous residents included the Medicis and Napoleon Bonaparte…’

COVID19: Germany and UK compared

‘…Most importantly of all, Germany was much better prepared. This was true both of the German state and of German industry. Germany had a manufacturing sector capable of making the medical equipment the country needed. Its health spending had risen in real terms for most years since the millennium. Contact tracing was also well developed across the German health system before the pandemic and was able to swing into action straightaway. Germany had many more intensive care beds too; 28,000, compared with Britain’s 4,000. Above all, German testing worked: while Britain abandoned mass testing in March, Germany conducted 160,000 tests a week that month, rising to 360,000 tests by mid-May. The contrast between the two countries was in most respects pitiful…’


‘…The New York Police Department (NYPD) commissioner on Monday defended the officers who drove into anti-policy brutality protesters late last month, saying they did not violate the department’s use-of-force policy…’


Richard Wolff: ‘..what that effectively means is that the government is backstopping the entire credit apparatus of the United States. It already stands behind most homes through the mortgage systems that we’ve developed since the 30s and now it is standing behind all the corporate loans because in effect it becomes the banker of last resort.

Any idea that the economy is now quote-unquote a free private enterprise economy is is downright silly as well as ideologically backward.

We now have an economic system utterly dependent on the creation of money by our Central Bank I could go on but these are signs of disintegration of one kind of economic system and the transition towards another. One it’s not clear exactly where this will end but as I said to you this is a level of breakdown that is really impossible for me to find in the prior history of our capitalism…’


U.S. Used Missile With Long Blades to Kill Qaeda Leader in Syria

‘…The modified Hellfire missile carried an inert warhead. Instead of exploding, it hurled about 100 pounds of metal through the top of Mr. al-Aruri’s car. If the high-velocity projectile did not kill him, the missile’s other feature almost certainly did: six long blades tucked inside, which deployed seconds before impact to slice up anything in its path…

New York Times: https://archive.vn/3oAJx

June 28, 1914; 106 years ago

Donald Trump knows he’s losing.

‘…“Under the current trajectory, President Trump is on the precipice of one of the worst electoral defeats in modern presidential elections and the worst historically for an incumbent president,” said former Trump political adviser Sam Nunberg, who remains a supporter.

Nunberg pointed to national polls released by CNBC and New York Times/Siena over the past week showing Trump receiving below 40 percent against Biden.

If Trump’s numbers erode to 35 percentage points over the next two weeks, Nunberg added, “He’s going to be facing realistically a 400-plus electoral vote loss and the president would need to strongly reconsider whether he wants to continue to run as the Republican presidential nominee.”…’


Black Americans head overseas

‘…Baggette lives in Germany, Drayton in Trinidad and Tobago, Kambon in Ghana.

All three are part of a small cultural cohort: Black emigres who, feeling cornered and powerless in the face of persistent racism, police brutality and economic struggles in the USA, have chosen to settle and pursue their American-born dreams abroad.

No official statistics cover these international transplants.

In Ghana, where Kambon is involved in a program that encourages descendants of the African diaspora to return to a nation where centuries earlier their ancestors were forced onto slave ships, he says he is one of “several thousand.” Kambon rejects descriptors such as “Black American” or “African American” that identify him with the USA…’


Carl Sagan explains how the ancient Greeks knew the Earth was round and calculated its circumference over 2,000 years ago.

British firms fulfilling fighter jet contracts which enable kingdom to wage war in Yemen, despite the trade being ruled unlawful

‘…The government stands accused of ignoring a landmark court ruling restricting UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia. In a judgment handed down a year ago, the court of appeal ruled it was “unlawful” for the government to have allowed the sale of arms to the kingdom for use in Yemen, where independent estimates suggest a Saudi-led coalition has been responsible for the deaths of more than 8,000 civilians since 2015…’

